This period often represents a significant opportunity to learn because you tend to have a greater thirst to know. Wherever you direct your attention you probably will receive what you want. You likely see the big picture while at the same time you can pay attention to the necessary details to make any vision a success. However, you may prefer to spend your time acquiring information that appeals to you. To take full advantage of this cycle, it helps to have a plan to pursue. Even without a clear map you can use this time to develop one, as you likely will find it easy to put together the pieces of any concept.
This is an excellent time to improve your analytical skills by furthering your education in some way. It may occur through formal or informal schooling, or through experiences that assist in clarifying your thoughts. Making connections probably comes very easily to you now. This includes bringing ideas together into a comprehensive pattern of thinking to establishing ties with other people that are of mutual benefit. Whatever way your life appears disjointed, this interval offers the possibility to become reconnected. Distorted or limited perspectives can clear or broaden with a minimum of effort.
While you doubtless will seek to accumulate information, you can profit from distributing it as well. You probably have much to offer or at least you may realize that you have resources that others want. Sharing your talents can help to unify your viewpoints while at the same time provide useful content to inquiring minds. You tend to communicate positively, which can draw into your life the right stuff, and probably you will prefer surrounding yourself with people and ideas that are upbeat. You likely are very persuasive as you convey your points with enthusiasm that often is infectious. This period can allow you to break free from old patterns that diminish you and to establish new perspectives that enhance you.
Travel may keep you busy, as you generally stay very active. You usually enjoy taking short trips that can provide a welcome diversion from any routine. Because you are more open than usual you often seek new adventures to occupy your time. You may realize now more than ever your capacity to do a number of things at the same time; your versatility to do them and to do them well can reach a peak. While you benefit from exploring a full spectrum of activities, try to pursue one or two with greater application since this aptitude typically subsides after this cycle ends. Nevertheless, it is a great time to sample the rich variety that life has to offer, if only to discover what makes you glad.