Interesting contacts with others can brighten your life now. Existing relationships likely improve, and new ones may develop that have fun and happiness as a basis. You tend to give greater consideration to what is important in your interactions instead of rushing headlong into whatever or whomever appeals to you. Because you can display better judgment in your choices, you likely attract what you need rather than what you want. Still, this often is a very socially active time with the opportunity to meet a wide range of people, some of whom may have a strong and sudden impact. New friendships begun now probably will flow easily. Partnerships already established benefit from increased openness and greater thoughtfulness towards each other.
You may find it easier to express affection, and those closest to you may be more inclined to give you the love and attention that you deserve during this period. On the one hand, you may strive to make yourself more attractive, which can produce the results you seek. However, you may become more accepting of yourself and others, which allows you to enjoy gratification without making any changes except in your perception. Whatever your style, you generally have a more enthusiastic outlook, or you can use this time to cultivate one by making yourself more accessible to the world around you. Life tends to affirm rather than deny you, if you permit it.
This is an excellent time to enjoy yourself. Being entertained can provide release and rejuvenation. Entertaining others often is a triumph, as parties usually are very well received. Vacations for pleasure usually offer a welcome respite from any stressful circumstances. While external happiness often is a strong feature to this cycle, applying yourself can bring a fuller recognition of what offers you abiding joy. It may revolve around another person, but you may discover it within or perhaps in solitude. Wherever you recognize it, this place or space normally is where you are the most connected to life.
If you yearn to develop or enhance your artistic abilities, this interval can give you the opportunity, as progress tends to occur more quickly. Even if you are not an artist, your aesthetic awareness usually increases now if you give it an occasion. Purchases of beautiful objects can enrich you, and although you may spend money more freely, you generally acquire worthy things. Finances can improve now, especially if you take an active role in them. Well-conceived risks may profit you. You can appraise more effectively than usual, and you seem to have a better grasp of lasting value in all areas of your life, which usually translates into better choices.