Favorable actions usually describe this time period although you may lack the incentive to take advantage of the opportunities. Because most outcomes tend to go your way, especially in certain areas, you simply may enjoy the ride that this cycle can give you. Intense striving is likely not your approach now although you generally prefer activity to inactivity. However, you likely pursue what you enjoy whether it brings achievement or not. If you really like what you do for work, then you indeed may receive rewards or commendation for your efforts. If your real passion lies outside of your worldly persona, this is an excellent time to go for it because you probably will love the results.
Often physical activity is enhanced for this interval, and you can realize, or perhaps get a glimpse of, your full potential in sports or other competitive environments. You can easily learn new skills that require active involvement, and your confidence generally operates at a high level. Trusting your body to know what to do can allow you to achieve more than you thought possible in any physically demanding exercise. Believing in your ability to make right choices can cause you to move ahead effortlessly. The question is do you have the motivation to take charge? If you do, then this cycle can bring substantial success for the actions you take.
If you attach less urgency to material accomplishment and more to other types of goals, you may experience an inner faith that promotes greater enthusiasm for life. You may simply appreciate the ease at which specific aspects of your life appear to move and to progress without much input from you. A possible result is a deeper understanding of what you desire and what you don?t want or need.
One shortcoming of this period is that you may want everything for yourself, especially when it can come so readily. While you typically receive what you seek by making correct decisions, you also have much to offer to others. You can act as a catalyst to get people motivated, as your enthusiasm often is infectious. You lead well not only because you have greater luck than usual but also because you can support those who rely on your judgment. Being generous with the abundance that is possibly yours can enhance this cycle even more.
It requires no effort to allow this interval of time to pass without much notice except a sense that things seem to work reasonably well for the moment. However, the potential exists to experience a richness to your life that may not occur frequently unless you truly understand the joy of living. Like most of us you probably have not reached that state of being, not on a permanent basis anyway, and so now is an opportunity to discover on some level what that is like.