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Mars Transits

Mars transits to planets in the natal chart are brief influences, lasting approximately one to two days. Mars takes approx 2 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The text below is the interpretation of Mars transit when Conjunct Pluto
Mars Conjunct Pluto
Relentless in achieving your aims, you are capable of exercising considerable power. Obstacles in your path are overcome with strength and perseverance. Intense desires manifest at this time, causing an uncompromising pursuit of what you want. Be careful not to lose sight of the effects of your actions; you tend to go to extremes. Since your deepest urges are a source of motivation, whatever you start now can transform your life.
Some more Interpretations of Transit Mars Conjunct Pluto from our astrology reports and readings:
Transit Mars Conjunct Pluto

Your personal power is activated during this time with a sense of determination that’s truly formidable. You may initiate projects that are intense and thorough in nature and will strive to improve or reform your environment. You may not have any interest in activities that are superficial or unimportant. This intensity will be hard to contain at times and you’re easily set off by criticism, but your reaction will be to seethe in anger and plot your revenge rather than engage in an impulsive outburst. You’ll be interested in what’s under the surface and may explore the deeper realms in your area of interest, and will often find hidden resources or expose secrets. Your financial drive is also more intense and you may plunge headfirst into projects that promise great rewards. While success is possible now, you’re likely to push harder than you need to and may use manipulative tactics to achieve your goals. If you can avoid serving your own interests and look at the bigger picture, you can achieve great accomplishments now. Your physical energy is at a very high level and your strength and endurance will allow you to work hard for long periods of time. You may even get quite obsessive about work right now, and need to remember to eat and rest your body to avoid burning out.

This Interpretation of Mars Conjunct Pluto is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
Related Transits:  Mars Conjunct Sun, Mars Conjunct Moon, Mars Conjunct Mercury, Mars Conjunct Venus, Mars Conjunct Mars, Mars Conjunct Jupiter, Mars Conjunct Saturn, Mars Conjunct Uranus, Mars Conjunct Neptune, Mars Conjunct Ascendant, Mars Conjunct Midheaven,
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Pluto Transits
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Mars transit pluto, Mars transit natal pluto, Mars conjunct pluto synastry, Mars conjunct pluto transit, Mars conjunct pluto composite, Mars conjunct pluto natal chart, Mars conjunct pluto relationship, Mars conjunct pluto libra, Mars conjunct pluto scorpio, Mars conjunct pluto virgo, Mars conjunct pluto virgo, Mars conjunct pluto scorpio, composite Mars conjunct pluto
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