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Mars Transits

Mars transits to planets in the natal chart are brief influences, lasting approximately one to two days. Mars takes approx 2 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. The text below is the interpretation of Mars transit when Sextile Mars
Mars Sextile Mars
Getting it done is no problem since you have the energy and the drive to take needed action. The more you take charge, the easier it is to accomplish your objectives. Because you lead well, steps that you take now are typically in the right direction. Physical activity feels good, and your level of energy is higher than usual. Assert yourself wherever required; you can make a strong point.
Some more Interpretations of Transit Mars Sextile Mars from our astrology reports and readings:
Transit Mars Sextile Mars

You’re quite convincing in all your dealings with other people and easily express your confidence. You have the ability to lead or direct them in business projects and even while pushing your own agenda, you’ll manage to be sensitive to their needs as well. You’re cooperative if it suits your purpose, as winning and achieving your goal are your primary concerns. Your physical energy is strong and you feel more competitive than usual, and need to find a healthy outlet for this energy such as competitive sports or physical activities that involve courage. You may work more with tools or machines during this time, and will tend to be coordinated in your physical movements.

This Interpretation of Mars Sextile Mars is from the Career Report astrology report by Kim Castella
Related Transits:  Mars Sextile Sun, Mars Sextile Moon, Mars Sextile Mercury, Mars Sextile Venus, Mars Sextile Jupiter, Mars Sextile Saturn, Mars Sextile Uranus, Mars Sextile Neptune, Mars Sextile Pluto, Mars Sextile Ascendant, Mars Sextile Midheaven,
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Venus Transits
Mars Transits
Jupiter Transits
Saturn Transits
Uranus Transits
Neptune Transits
Pluto Transits
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I am learning how important one's astrological chart can be. It is informative, empowering and has confirmed truths about myself that I knew. More important it has shown me how I can grow in life. I have recommended your site to many people as a valuable resource. Thank you.

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Mars transit mars, Mars transit natal mars, Mars sextile mars synastry, Mars sextile mars transit, Mars sextile uranus composite, Mars sextile sun natal chart, Mars sextile mars relationship, Mars sextile mars leo, Mars sextile mars pisces, Mars sextile mars cancer, Mars sextile mars virgo, Mars sextile mars capricorn, composite Mars sextile venus
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