Many choices may appear during this period, although you can have difficulty knowing which ones are right for you. If you lack a clear purpose, this interval can add to the ambiguity. Even if you pursue a precise objective, you likely find that distractions can interfere with any straight-line progress. Forcing your will on a project or a person likely brings frustration and disappointment. The most effective approach now is oblique, not direct, and at times even circular, so that your forward advance meanders.
While being indirect is an appropriate method in certain areas, being devious or conniving can create significant problems. You occasionally avoid being straightforward in order to hide the truth or at least to obscure it; we all do at times. However, intentional or unintentional misrepresentation now can possibly entangle you in complexities that are a challenge to unravel. The more you push yourself to attain a goal, the more elusive it may become and the more tempted you may be to apply tactics that compromise integrity to achieve it. No matter how it manifests, an issue of this cycle is to distinguish truth from illusion, especially regarding yourself.
Despite the potential pitfalls that exist, this is an excellent time to work on yourself. Try to let go of expectations and take charge of your life by paying close attention to all that is around you rather than by imposing your will. This interval can signify a loss of ego. The boundaries that define you may become less clear, creating self-doubt, as what you thought was true appears otherwise. However, it also can open you to new possibilities about yourself that you had not considered. If you strongly identify with a self-image, you may experience that image losing its shine. Trying to maintain it can bring disappointment, especially if it is incongruent with the truth of who you are. Being receptive to the many influences that affect you now can allow the emergence of a sharper and more accurate picture of yourself.
This typically is a bothersome period because the rules of the game are vague if not suspended altogether. What you thought was solid may now seem insubstantial, and it is easy to lose your bearings in a world that demands definition. However, the solidity of life is an illusion, which this time so clearly can indicate. Confusion usually reigns when you seek to preserve the boundaries. Clarity can come when you set no limits and question the influences that define you.