This is often a significant time in your life where you become aware of your personal power, as people or situations may leave you no choice but to assert yourself. If you are forceful by nature, then you may appear as domineering and encounter strong resistance that has you engaged in a battle of wills. You often have difficulty knowing when to stop. Although this relentless quality can allow you to achieve your goals, it can make you ruthless at times where you want to triumph at all costs. There typically is an all or nothing attitude that can drive you to the top if you have a clear purpose. However, you may step on a few toes along the way.
If your identity is not fully formed, you may find this cycle helps to shape it. Although you can gain substantially now, both materially and in self-awareness, there usually is something that you have to give up or leave behind in order to come into your own. Sometimes strong attachments may lose their hold, especially if they are in the way of a deeper realization of who you are, an important attribute of this interval. You may struggle to let go of what you believe is essential, since it can be difficult, in the midst of this period, to recognize that what you give up now, allows for the emergence of what is likely more meaningful in the future.
You may seek greater control over your life at this time, even though circumstances out of your control may make it a challenge. Being right can motivate your actions, and you may attempt to coerce others to conform to your standards. Taking charge can be easy now. You often know where you stand without any equivocation, and you generally don?t accept advice or criticism. In fact, sharing the spotlight or leadership may concern you, and your preference sometimes is to press ahead without assistance.
Others may oppose you during this period, and your encounters, whether with people or not, typically are intense. They offer to bring a profound awareness of who you are and to uncover the truth that can guide you for a lifetime. You generally have less fear than usual now, especially to look within yourself for answers. Your ability to face whatever comes your way can strengthen your resolve. Sometimes a feature of this cycle is to push you to extremes where you tap into resources and abilities that you knew not existed. The adjustments that you make now can bring you into greater alignment to your purpose and set you on the right course or redefine an existing one.