An unwavering purpose may emerge now, and you can demonstrate indefatigable persistence in reaching your goals. Knowing what you want can make a big difference in taking advantage of the intense focus that is available to you since you can attain significant objectives when you are secure. If you are unhappy with certain conditions or if you lack direction, this period can usher in gradual but far-reaching changes that can fundamentally realign you for the better. The opportunity exists to uncover the essence of what you want as well as the motivation to accomplish it.
Sometimes you must lose in order to gain, and this cycle may make it obvious that specific elements must be discarded. Generally it is easier now to purge whatever is unnecessary as you often show a strong urge to reorganize for greater efficiency. Because you typically are more economizing, this is an appropriate time to make decisions that conserve resources; you are more effective contracting rather than expanding. Although you may experience limitations in some areas, this can assist you to concentrate attentively on the important things.
You have the capacity during this period to consider carefully the impact and long-term consequences of powerful influences. Situations may warrant that you examine closely matters of ultimate concern, and choices that you make now usually are appropriate although not always easy. Practicality should take precedence over sentimentality, and you tend to prefer options that work. Whatever tasks you pursue now, you usually complete since you likely possess greater stamina than usual and a compelling need to finish what you start. Ambitions can be realized. This is also a time, however, to lay the groundwork for lasting accomplishments through overcoming any fears that stand in your way.
Weakness may form the basis for lasting strength when you confront any shortcomings that exist. It is possible to reduce and even eliminate unwanted patterns of dependency that hinder achievements. While you may recognize clearly the negative forces and doubts that hold you back, you may see the purpose they serve in motivating you to overcome limitations. The authority that you exert now can result in reshaping your world according to your needs. You manage well as a leader when you are familiar with the conditions, and generally, surprises are minimal now. Still you can make a radical shift because whatever is a necessity, you tend to find a way no matter the cost.