What you learn during this period may have a strong effect upon you, as you tend to acquire important information. Your mind often shows interest in topics that are substantive rather than shallow. It is likely that you demonstrate an intense desire to know, which can motivate you to seek answers without hesitation and with perseverance. In this period, what you seek you usually find, so that you can gain tremendously, depending upon your focus. While you are more capable than usual at solving everyday problems, you can turn your attention on more profound matters with the same favorable results. This is an excellent time to experience mental harmony regarding your deepest concerns. Searching for meaning in various aspects of your life often makes it recognizable.
You can convey your point of view convincingly, and you have the ability to argue and to debate persuasively. If you have something significant that you wish to say, then this is an excellent time to speak out since you likely will find the power to do it, as well as a receptive audience to hear it. Communications skills can improve during this cycle, whether working on your own or on issues that you share with others. There is a tendency to get to the root of a matter rather than just dealing with the symptoms, so that your efforts to resolve difficulties can pay off.
Key choices that you make now generally are the right ones, particularly if you have done prior research, and investigation of any kind usually comes easily. Thoroughness often is an attribute of this cycle, which also can lead you to the right alternative. Once you make up your mind, you usually stick with your decisions. Although you can appear stubborn in your opinions, they generally are based upon solid data. You are capable of distinguishing the essential from the nonessential. While this can make your life more efficient, it also can help to reduce the clutter in your mind by eliminating repetitive thoughts or tapes that no longer serve a useful function, thus minimizing compulsiveness.
Certain ideas likely still compel you now. However, you can focus on those that further your mental development and add real significance to your life. Despite the ease at which you can think, learn, and communicate during this time, there is intensity to all of it. Obsessive activities are still likely. Still, you can use this time to enjoy the challenges when your mind is engaged, or when you are solving a puzzle, or when you are in serious discussion with another. Short trips may appeal to you and can serve to relieve tension. They also may produce meaningful connections that have enduring benefits since any network of contacts you establish usually is an asset.